We're a non-denominational church in Willow Springs, Missouri. We've been having church together since 2007 and we would love to have you come and worship with us! Check our about page for more information about who we are, what we believe, and what times and days you can join us for worship. Until then, please listen to Pastor Dennis’ sermons, updated weekly, here.
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Bible Studies
The apostle Paul wrote this letter in AD 57 to the church at Rome. This letter offers a very clear picture of early Christian doctrine and God's plan for the salvation of mankind. Listen in to this in-depth Bible study that is currently still in progress.
1 Corinthains
The church Paul had established at Corinth was having major problems - fighting between church members and compromised attitudes about sin. This letter gives us the early Christian perspective on many issues still crucial and divisive today. Listen to this 21-part Bible Study!
2 Corinthians
By the time of the writing of 2 Corinthians in AD 56, the church at Corinth had greatly improved from its previous condition. The main focus of this highly personal letter of Paul is Christian charity.
Paul wrote two letters to the church at Thessaloniki only months apart. These scriptures were meant to encourage the new believers in the church there and to expound upon teachings about the end of time. Listen in to these two relatively short Bible studies.